
Friday, March 2, 2007

The Future of Facebook

Someday in the future if Facebook became safer it would benefit society so much. Facebook was originally created for people to keep in touch with each other. If it becomes safer then it will be a great way of keeping in touch with everyone. Some things that they need to work on is just making it more appealing for adults. Also creating something that helps parents to see that Facebook isn’t as dangerous as they may think. The affect of a safe Facebook on society would be a positive communication between parents and children, friends, family etc. The safe technological use of Facebook would mean making software that is guaranteed to not get hacked into. This way it would be safe for everyone and more appealing to everyone. You will be able to post pictures without be worried that a creeper will take it, and use it for things that you wouldn’t agree with. Unfortunately the world we live in today is not suitable for a safe Facebook experience, hopefully in the future it will be so that we can all enjoy this new invention.

Friday, February 23, 2007

How To Be A Safe Facebooker

Although my last post was saying everything that is bad about Facebook, there are ways that you can overcome all that to make your Facebook experience safe. Here are some things to do:
• Make your name something that isn’t your real name. For example: John Smith can become, John S.
• Do not join a network or have your city or town showing on your profile, this way people cannot look you up in Canada 411.
• If you do decide to join a network join a fun one, for example if your from Toronto join a Madagascar network or something like that.
• Go to your privacy setting and make sure that the privacy bar is in the lower numbers.
• Make it so that only the friends that YOU add can see your profile, and pictures.
• If there is someone that you accidentally added delete them right away, and block them from searching you again.
• If someone is sending you messages or poking you that you don’t know block them also right away, and tell an adult.
• Always make sure that what you have on your profile is something you would show your parents. If it’s not something that you would want them to see then go and change things until it is appropriate.
• Remember that any pictures your put on the website are now on the web and are not in your hands anymore. Choose pictures carefully if you decide to put any on at all.
• Refine your search setting that when people search all they can see is your screen name, not your network, picture, or any information.
These are just a few of the many things that you can do to keep safe on facebook. For tips go onto the facebook website and look at what they have to say. If you even just do a couple of these things you are on your way to becoming a smart Facebooker.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What Makes Facebook Dangerous?

Although Facebook is a great way for keeping in touch with people, it is also a place that can cause danger, especially in the world we live in today. Here is a list of just a couple of things that make facebook dangerous.
• If you do not properly set your security settings anyone in your network can see your profile, pictures, and personal information. This could become especially dangerous if your network is Toronto, meaning there are thousands of people who could potentially come across your page.
• Once you are on someone’s profile you can see anything about them, there school, age, birthday, hometown, e-mail address etc. If this information where to be looked at by a hacker or a criminal you could become in serious danger.
• Another special feature on facebook is called ‘Wall-to-Wall’ this means that you can see any conversation that someone has had with the person who’s profile you are looking at.
• One more thing that is not good about facebook is pictures. Facebook is now the second largest site for loading pictures into. However how safe is it really compared with Flickr and Photobucket? Everyone knows that once a picture is on the web its out there for everyone to see, and I find myself asking is this the same on facebook. Even though if you read the security agreement is say no?

Here is the link to Facebook’s security setting page: Here

Although what they say may sound good, it is always important to practice safe ways to use the Internet. Keeping the rules in mind will help you to become safer on the internet!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Introduction to Facebook

Facebook is a website that allows you to keep in contact with people from anywhere in the world. You can upload pictures, write about your likes and dislikes, add notes for your friends to read and so much more. Facebook has just recently become the website with the largest number of registered users that are in college and university. Anyone who has access to the Internet can use Facebook, unlike a couple a years ago when it was only open to university students. This site is the second most used site for picture uploads, Flickr was number one. On Facebook you have to add friends, and they have to confirm you before anyone can see anything about you. Although there is already a lot of security on Facebook, some worries are that hackers can get into it and see someone’s whole profile. One thing that everyone can do to stop this is simply knowing the dangers of it and how to be a safe facebooker.